Family Picture

Family Picture

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday C!


I can't believe you are seven!  You finally lost(pulled) your first tooth!  You have been waiting for this moment for two years! 

We had designer pancakes this morning(as always on birthday mornings)!

Mommy and Daddy cannot believe you are seven.  You are so delightful.  Full of happiness, energy and a love for life.  You are such a good big brother and so helpful around the house.  You love sports, trains, swimming and eating!  You love just about everything except sweeping the floor and watermelon.  You love learning about God and have a huge heart for everyone! 

We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 7th birthday sweet Christopher!! Yia Yia loves you up to the sky and happy about your tooth...finally!!! :)
