So, it's been a little while since I wrote anything. Well, nothing is really new. We are still plugging our way through the home study.
We had our first home study training this saturday. It was the first of three sessions and pretty interesting. We are grouped with three other couples whom are pursuing adoption. All the couples are considering adopting internationally-South Korea, Bulgaria and Ethiopia. So, there is a wide range of countries represented. It is really nice to be grouped with other couples on a similar journey.
Brian and I are actively praying about direction with this adoption. We have been praying if we should choose a child off the 'shared list' with perhaps multiple minor special needs or keep plugging forward and go for the really minor needs. Would you pray for us?
Also, I do hope you plan to have a great meal on Thursday at Texas Roadhouse in lancaster! We hope to see you there, but if we don't, please accept our 'thank you' for your support in advance.
We are also still selling necklaces if anyone is interested. They are truly beautiful and you are helping Women in Uganda provide for their families.
My title says 'warrior' and I truly feel like that is what you have to become when you choose to adopt. You must step out of your comfort zone, and discuss things you would rather not discuss. You have to open your lives and heart to unknowns. It may not make any sense but I already feel like I'm beginning a battle.
You and Brian are doing great in your journey. I will keep you in my prayers The necklaces are very pretty...everybody comments on mine. I will be wearing my shirt and necklace while enjoying a delicious meal at Texas Roadhouse tomorrow evening...see you there!