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Family Picture

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Medical forms done!

One more step closer.  We now have our medical forms complete with notarization!  Taking things one day at a time.  Thanks for all your prayers.

Just for fun:  If you had three boys like mine named C, R(1), R(2) and they got to pick temporary tattoos, one picked a bubbly whale(like moby dick), one picked a killer whale, and one picked an orange dolphin.  Which tattoo did each of my children pick?  Feel free to leave a comment using the kids initials.


  1. C - Whale R(l) killer whale R(2)orange dolphin

  2. I think C would pick the Bubbly Whale, R(1) would pick the orange dolphin, & R(2) would pick the killer whale. Gigi

  3. The answers are:

    C-bubbly whale, R(1)-killer whale, R(2)-orange dolphin
